IT Services For Schools K-12

K-12 school budgets are under tremendous pressure while the demands on the internet gateway and network infrastructure continue to grow.

On-line testing and the full integration of technology into the learning process has resulted in a huge increase in the number of devices which need wireless access to school based and cloud resources. Mobile computing has added new challenges for school administrators who must comply with the Child Information Protection Act (CIPA), FERPA, HIPAA and various other federal and state statutes governing Internet usage by minors.

K-12 IT departments are generally understaffed and underfunded and have one of the highest device to support staff ratios of all industry groups, (600 devices to one IT staff member is the US national average). Digital BackOffice managed services can bridge the staffing gap with 24×7 network support and may be eligible for E-rate funding (subject to USF-USAC guidelines). For additional information about E-rate eligible services click here.

See “Some Assembly Required

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