
Branford Public Schools Upgrade WAN to 10 Gigabits

April 21, 2016 –  Branford Public Schools has increased internet bandwidth between buildings to 10 Gigabits per second after renewing a contract with Digital BackOffice.

“The primary intent of upgrading the school district WAN is to facilitate the full integration of technology into the learning process, as well as to support on-line testing and the significant growth of wireless usage” said Donna Mingrone, Director of Technology. The 100% optical fiber wide area network between Branford High School and five buildings was originally completed in 2007 when the network speed was 1 Gigabit per second.

Costs for the network will be substantially offset through the use of E-rate discounts. E-rate is a national funding program that evolved from the Telecommunications Act of 1996, and supports technology and telecommunications services in public schools and libraries. It is anticipated that the E-rate program will fund approximately 50% of the annual cost of operating the managed optical Ethernet network.

The Digital BackOffice customer list includes Stamford Public Schools, the City of Norwalk, Seymour Public Schools, New Haven Public Libraries, Meriden Public Schools, and the town of Wethersfield. By focusing on the public sector and small to medium business opportunities the Digital BackOffice has redefined user expectations for network availability, cost of ownership and project delivery. Reliable, 24 x 7 Managed Network Services previously available only to the largest corporations are now available to small business, K-12 schools, public libraries, health care providers and municipalities.

The Digital BackOffice is a business unit of Advanced Corporate Networking, a Milford, Connecticut based business since 1991. “By specializing in niche markets, like education, we have developed expertise and an understanding of the needs of our customers”, said Francis Palacio, a Vice President at Advanced Corporate Networking.  “Many public sector computer networks have grown to the size of Fortune 500 corporate networks, but the ratio of support personnel to computer devices is less by a factor of ten.  The Digital BackOffice helps our schools and communities bridge the support and services gap and many services qualify for the federal E-rate program”.


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