Digital BackOffice Installs High Speed Optical Fiber Network for Town of Wethersfield

Wethersfield town hall offices, community center, police and fire departments are now connected by an optical fiber network at Gigabit Ethernet speed, a technology standard 600 times faster than the prior town wide area network.

“The primary intent of upgrading the town wide area network is to provide broadband capacity to facilitate internet access, improved response time and overall network performance.” said Rae Ann Palmer, Assistant Town Manager.  “The 100% optical fiber wide area network with a high speed internet gateway, provided by Digital BackOffice, will permit the town to centralize infrastructure and better support financial, constituent and public safety software applications. New high bandwidth services such as video streaming, voice over IP and cloud based applications will now be possible between any town facility.”

Digital BackOffice is no stranger to the public sector, having successfully integrated high-speed managed fiber networks for Stamford Public Schools, the City of Norwalk, West Hartford Public Schools and many other Connecticut public agencies.  The Digital BackOffice team has redefined user expectations for cloud services, internet reliability, cost of ownership and project management.  Managed private networks and cloud services with DBO service level guarantees are now available to towns, small business, schools, and many previously underserved, narrowband markets.

The Digital BackOffice is a business unit of Advanced Corporate Networking, a Connecticut based business with over two decades of experience.  “We have developed expertise and an understanding of the needs of our vertical market customers”, said DBO President, Francis Palacio.  “Public sector IT usage has grown significantly but the ratio of support personnel to devices has not.  Digital BackOffice cloud and managed services help our communities bridge the support/services gap with highly availability, sustainable network and IT infrastructure from our in state data centers”.


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